2015-2018An experiment in theater hosted by the Bath House Cultural Center

Modern life has taught humans a sort of ironic detachment that is absolutely useless to an emotionally connected entertainer.
To arrive “in the room” with an audience is a terrifying process, and is exactly what is needed to create any evocative and innovative comedic performance. It is what we call the heart of the clown.
The Existential Variety Improv Lab strives to create a space which allows performers to feel safe to be absurd. To explore and develop their unique character. To discover the organic moments that are genuinely funny, and then nurture them into being the bold choices we make for our audience.
The clown is scary because he is the intellectual anarchist. He is the cultural subversive. He’s the one who people fear might be E.V.I.L., and we teach him how to be good.
Unlearn “safe” choices and break habits that limit actors, improvisers and entertainers of all kinds.
Use disposable creativity to develop new ideas in the moment.
Base characters on your faults, flaws, strengths and genuine personality.
Use rule-breaking and controlled anarchy to make more interesting creative choices.
Become vulnerable and more connected in scenes by working from emotional truth.
Respect absurdity, idiocy and foolishness as creative tools.
These improvisational experiments will play out in front of an audience that is encouraged to be involved in the process. They act as a Greek Chorus, providing improvisational prompts, honest feedback and support for this creative process. They become a part of the experiment, which is its own form of entertainment.